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Spirituality * Embodiment * Belief * Gratitude

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This golden skin I’m in
It’s very easy for me to detach
I’m floating above the ground
There is no ground, I’m floating
The material world is abstract
The spiritual world is grounding
What is ephemeral, solid
It’s easy for me to detach
I am peaceful in the midst
of material difficulty and strife
I rise above, I become
more than my body

It is easy for me to detach
I am sound and senses
This golden skin I’m in
The yellow feathers of birds
I’m thankful for this experience
and the ease with which I can be free.

Sandalwood is good for grief and in times when we need to be grounded in our spirituality and belief in the invisible.

Made in Kenya, January 2019, in the Kajiado Hills, near an Eland herd.