to Apr 27

Tending the Fire Within: A Group Container to Prepare for Spring

Reignite your creative and spiritual fires after a long, sleepy winter. We will do guided meditations with plant spirits, respond to prompts, engage in nourishing discussions and tap into the cyclical energies of nature so that you can get into your flow with the coming of Spring.

No need to stress or push yourself as you ease into your creative practice, simply tend to the embers of your soul slowly and steadily until they grow into a nourishing flame. Connect to the Earth's natural energies through plant communication to source your drive and inspiration.

7 group calls will walk you through this journey from blocked and frozen to feeling connected and alive. The primary tools I share are plant spirit journeys, writing prompts and somatic tools to root into your being and ground into your creative desires. In between calls we’ll share in a Facebook group so you will have others supporting your process and cheering you on.

This round will start on February 2nd, 2025, Imbolc. We will meet every other Sunday from 3-5 p.m. I have some flexibility with the time according to the needs of the group. We will work together until Beltane, May 1st. By the end of the course, you will be gifted a special group flower essence that I will craft according to the groups energies.

The cost is $222. You can pay all at once or sign up for a three month payment plan at $74. Pay all at once here or sign up for a payment plan by sending me an email and I can send you the link: amy@enosburghessences.com

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to Sep 1

Bloom with the Flowers: Self-Expression through Plant Communication

Imagine you have access to an endless source of creative flow, right below your feet. You never doubt your artistic intuition or forget to practice your craft. With every step, you feel grounded in your ability to tap into a constant stream of energy and inspiration. You want to share your gifts with the world. This sharing feels like a natural unfolding. You bloom like a flower!

As Summer arrives, we often feel drained. We fill the longer daylight hours, time we wanted to spend deepening our creative practice, with all the tasks that call for completion, both inside and outside. We do the laundry, we work in the garden, we clean, and we care for others. We forget to give energy to the activities that feed our soul. We forget to lift our voices and give our creative practice to the world. We pay a high price for this forgetfulness: the death of our creative inspiration. 

As a public school teacher, I know all too well how to give and give with no return. During the school year, my creative well often runs dry, and I find myself stuck in a bind of my own creation. My mind turns in on itself, resurfacing trauma, running on doubt and caffeine. I forget to write down my dreams. I forget to write at all, and the poems that play in my periphery fall on deaf ears, lost to the wind. 

My story with plant communication
When I started to connect to plants as guides and messengers
, I realized I had tapped into an evergreen means to remind myself of my own creative potential. The first thing that the flowers showed me was how to be like them: always rooted, always growing, always evolving. I learned how to work with the natural cycles that humans belong to as beings on Earth. Plants helped me access a flow of inspiration that always renews itself, and that I can tap into whenever I feel depleted. 

The magic
Plant communication
can be as simple as closing your eyes and breathing with the Earth. You can learn to connect to the green life around you in a simple way that gives you an endless supply of wisdom and creative inspiration. Each plant has something special to teach us about how to best embody our gifts and offer them to the world. Learn to listen in and they can teach you how to bloom.

What you will experience
In 7 modules we will move from burgeoning bud to full, expansive flower, as we learn from the flowers how to ease gracefully into sharing our creative gifts with the world. Every two weeks for seven sessions we will gather in a virtual circle, share with each other, do guided plant spirit meditations, and write or draw in response to prompts  so that you can open more completely to creative practice and self-expression.

Our tools
The primary tools I share are guided meditations, writing prompts and methods of plant communication. We will also practice techniques like EFT tapping to melt our fears and break through our resistance to expressing ourselves in the world. Each individual hour and a half session would normally cost over $100, but this magical group container costs only $240 for the entire program. 

Our sharing
In between calls, we'll share in a private Facebook group so that you will benefit from the support of others witnessing your process and cheering you on. In addition, I will formulate a special flower essence blend tailored to the work the group is doing which you will receive over the course of our weeks together. 

What attendees of past rounds have experienced:

"[The course] opened up new places about communing with nature, being a part of nature and how vital that is if homo sapiens want to continue to live on this planet. This awareness has become a vital part of my spirituality; ideas and thoughts I have been developing in recent years.  It was such a great opportunity to be around other participants who seem to be on the same wavelength." 

- Wendy in California

"The connection to the women in the group was important and sweet… Amy will gently guide you to open your imagination and your heart in ways that will inspire you and surprise you." 

- Carolyn in Vermont

The dates
This course, which only runs from June to August, offers a creative container to hone your craft and self-expression through plant communication. I am limiting the number of participants to ten, and only a few spots remain, so sign up soon. Starting on Sunday, June 2nd, from 3:30 - 5:00, we will gather to learn how to express our rare and beautiful voices. Bloom with the flowers!

The cost of the course is $240. You can pay all at once or sign up for a three month payment plan at $84. Send me a message if you would prefer the payment plan and I can send you a link.

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9:00 AM09:00

Summer Flower Essence Making Workshop

Blue Vervain, one of the flowers waiting to meet you in my flower garden!

Join me in my jungle of a flower garden to learn how make a flower essence!

We will gather in the morning and I will guide you through the process of choosing (or being chosen) by a flower to make a flower essence. We will begin my starting the process of making the essence, since the flower needs to sit in water in a sunny spot for the duration of the workshop.

The weekend of August 5th follows on the heels of Lughnasadh or Lammas, a Celtic holiday that celebrates the Sun and the beginning of the harvest season, making it an ideal time to craft an essence, with the Sun is in its full power in the astrological sign of Leo.

We will discuss the energies of the season and the astrological significance of the current moment, meditate and play with ritual and story as we learn about how flower essences can increase our well-being and improve our connection to the land.

After a shared potluck lunch, we will wrap up our flower essence and I will guide you through the different ways to receive the message of the flower and work with it as you move forward through the season.

Space is limited to 8 participants. Cost is $80. Reserve your spot!

Pay here or on the day of by cash or check.

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Spring Equinox Flower Essence Workshop: RENEWAL
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Equinox Flower Essence Workshop: RENEWAL

Plumeria Flower Essence in the making

I’m so excited to offer my third Flower Essence Workshop on Saturday, March 25th, from 9:00 to 12:30, in downtown Enosburg Falls.

We will be exploring the energies of Spring. What does this time mean for you, and how do you approach it? In Vermont, we are still under snow, but I can feel the birds preparing and the small green shoots of the bulbs starting to peek through.

I was lucky enough to recently spend a week on Hawaii for my honeymoon. We will be exploring the flower essence of a plant I got to know there, Plumeria or Frangipani. I was struck by how the blossoms grow out of bare, spindly branches. It reminded me of how Spring can feel in Vermont, the green and first blossoms growing out of the grey and brown sparseness of our roads and fields.

I’m excited to work with this plant with you! We will explore the energies of the Spring equinox and then dive into the flower essence I made in Hawaii. I think Frangipani will have something to teach us about how to best approach this season of renewal. She also whispers of self love and appreciating one’s own ever-changing beauty. Frangipani is a poisonous plant, but one of the wonderful things about working with flower essences is that we can channel the wisdom of this “poison” with no ill-consequences. This essence may have something to teach us about our shadows… I can’t wait to explore her wisdom with you! Come embrace your Spring renewal with us.

Message me to reserve your spot now.

You can pay here, with the button below, or the day of by cash or check.


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Winter Flower Essence Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Winter Flower Essence Workshop

I am thrilled to announce my first in-person Flower Essence workshop which, after having to reschedule because of a snow storm, will take place on January 7th, 2023 from 1-4 pm in downtown Enosburg Falls.

The cost is $40.

We will focus on the theme of the Solstice, turning in together to explore how to bring light to our darkness and release what we need to to start the year in a positive way.

We will work with various flower essences, journey together in plant communication, share some writing and creative time and listen to a story.

We hope you can join us! Sign up here and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

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