Wild Rose

Wild Rose


A Light Head, A Light Heart

Lightness * Care * Joy * Presence


A tingling in the back of my neck and in my arms,
Take care, she says, and my heart feels more whole, helping me feel less alone –
You’re not alone, she says.
She helps you find joy in the little things, joy at the tiniest level of the atom,
joy in what is simple and small.
She helps me accept the events in my life.
She helps me heal the wounds of the past.
She heals that old pain in my heart, the one that feels like it will never go away.
She helps me be happy on my own, aligned with my action.
She helps me reclaim my life and find community.

In Bach’s flower essences, Wild Rose is for apathy. Here, she show me the positive remedy to this common life affliction. She has the power to erase the pain of the past, to bring me more fully in touch with the present, with my innocence, my childlike spirit and my joy at being alive. She helps us remember there was a time when we weren’t jaded, when we hadn’t had all the life experiences that harden us and makes us feel bad.

Made in Geneva, Switzerland, Spring 2017