Elder Flower
Elder Flower
Change * Cycles * Solitude * Power
To be a woman is to be as old as time,
in the faces of the Triad:
Ancient, rooted, growing, changing
with the seasons.
I love to be alive.
I enjoy this incarnation,
whatever lessons offered
whatever sacrifices demanded.
To live is dark and light,
from flower to berry,
always given, never taken,
always full, always holding,
never empty, always attracting,
always coming home.
Elder flower essence offers resilience and joy with every phase of life. She brings joy with all moments, especially during those of transition. She allows us to perceive light and beauty in any circumstance. We are all blossoms, like stars in an expanding universe.
Aligned with the Dark Moon Goddess, who rules over the liminal spaces and the cyclical power of the Maiden, Mother, Crone, she helps us heal the ancestral wounds of patriarchy that cause women to feel undervalued and alone. For those who feel cold and isolated from the life cycle, she helps us reconnect to our desire and our innate capacity to feel at home in our bodies.
Made during the Cancer New Moon, July 2021 in Enosburg Falls.