Blue Vervain, one of the flowers waiting to meet you in my flower garden!
Join me in my jungle of a flower garden to learn how make a flower essence!
We will gather in the morning and I will guide you through the process of choosing (or being chosen) by a flower to make a flower essence. We will begin my starting the process of making the essence, since the flower needs to sit in water in a sunny spot for the duration of the workshop.
The weekend of August 5th follows on the heels of Lughnasadh or Lammas, a Celtic holiday that celebrates the Sun and the beginning of the harvest season, making it an ideal time to craft an essence, with the Sun is in its full power in the astrological sign of Leo.
We will discuss the energies of the season and the astrological significance of the current moment, meditate and play with ritual and story as we learn about how flower essences can increase our well-being and improve our connection to the land.
After a shared potluck lunch, we will wrap up our flower essence and I will guide you through the different ways to receive the message of the flower and work with it as you move forward through the season.
Space is limited to 8 participants. Cost is $80. Reserve your spot!
Pay here or on the day of by cash or check.