Eclipses, Flowers, Flow


I was able to make three new essences on the July 27th lunar eclipse, with some help. Virginia Trumpet, Honeysuckle Rose, and Mint. I'll post them on the Flower Essences page soon.

Remake The World

I've been staying in a perfect little French village for the past week with one of my oldest and best friends. I love our discussions. We “remake the world" as you say in French, and talk about our true struggles, with life, with the meaning of things, with how to change, where to live, what to be. It feels very essential and necessary to me at this time.

I’m In A Garden. We Talk About Love.

Also I feel a bit out of the way, away from the maelstrom that is the world, that makes me cry, of dying birds and fires, volcanoes and violent winds. I'm in a garden. We talk about love. I have a safe space in which to observe the mental patterns and behaviors that I want to let go of.

I've read a lot of astrological commentaries about this period. I especially enjoy Aeolian Heart's useful literary and musical takes on the planets and stars and their energies, as well as Monarch Astrology's insightful probing of their meaning. AnandaShree Astrology gives her intuitive Vedic take on the sky which is soothing and purposeful.

Well Accompanied On My Way

Full Moon Eclipse

Full Moon Eclipse

And I? I've been flowing, with the present as it presents itself and the travel as my path unrolls before me. I'm not sure where I am going, but I do feel well accompanied on my way. I'm appreciative of all my teachers, and the lessons, both the ones I wanted and the ones I didn't. I'm gathering myself together and weaving the new. I'm writing. How about you?

(Originally posted July 30th, 2018)