From Ashes to Flowers: A Full Moon in Libra


Since the New Moon in Aries, I've been contemplating more messages from the fire, namely, ashes. 

When you have a wood fire, you have a lot of ashes. I've been asking myself, can I compost them? Can I put them on the garden? Can I use them to make soap? What can I possibly do with so many? 

And when will the fire burning season come to a close and when will I be able to put my bare feet on the ground again? I did once so far this year, at the Equinox. We had a fire and released and sowed intentions for the astrological new year. We danced for Spring! Then yesterday and today, wind and snow. And tomorrow it will be 60 degrees again. Spring in Vermont!

Tonight, a walk home in the moonlight, the woods glinting back to me the stars and the frozen mud ice. The trees on my walk hold me like old friends. They warmed me all winter and comfort me on my pensive stroll in the dark or my romp through the woods. I recognize the ones I know. They don't mind transformation, from green to bare and grey to wood to fire to smoke. 

And still, ashes. To ashes. The trees don't mind becoming ashes. They have been teaching me about the ways that I recycle myself. My Aries independence wants to spring forward on my own, but this Libra moon whispers that we need others to make new soil of our burnt up dreams and wishes. Ashes are no good composted on their own. They need to be mixed into the pile in the right amounts. 

What does this mean to how I exist in the world? How do I offer myself? What do I receive? How worthy do I feel to give of my gifts and accept those of others in return?

Ashes are powerful because they are cleansing. Ashes clean silver and sweep up dirt. In the same way, my shadow cleans me. My darkness, once thoroughly burned, becomes the purifying potential of my future self. I can be washed clean by those parts of myself I don't want to see, if I am patient enough to observe them. 

And if Spring relies on anything, it is patience, as the flowers recently shared with me during a plant journey with a client. 

In the Garden with the Flowers

Swelling and blossoming into being
eating and being eaten
sticky and green
we wait to become
who we are
when the time is right
we swell and open
becoming tall
stretching out
from darkness
we trust
we know
we will grow into ourselves
at the right time
a message of seeing
potential in the dark
we don't have to fight 
or strive
or stress
the blooming happens
and we are able
to allow our hearts
to grow into flowers
our special nectar 
our essence 
each particular flower speaking.

With the ashes laid in the garden, I prepare the soil. I learn that I only have to prepare the container for what comes next.

I've been offering more timed writing blocks during sessions with creatives. The timed writing container allows for automatic flow of the pencil or pen - too often we break abruptly from the inspiration and don't allow the strand of thought to coalesce onto the page. Setting a timer and writing creates a garden for my words to land in, a fertilized bed.

Next time that you write, don't hold any expectations. Set a timer and sit back and allow. See what comes. What message did you think wanted to come? How are you surprised by what does? When do you think the poem should end, and what comes after you think is should be over? 

This Full Moon was conjunct Venus and my natal Venus. I've been feeling a lot of expansion around my business and my Earth mission - my writings and my offerings. I'm have a few spots for three or six month creative coaching containers. What is a session with me like? 

Can I share how incredibly talented Amy is? First, Amy spent a few minutes talking with me about the herbs in my garden and which of them I had been connecting to lately. Then, we chatted a little about my writing practice and some goals I have around it. Amy led a visualization that took me to my herb garden where I connected with a plant I haven’t learned much about but felt drawn to. The ability to go deep was super-supported by the incredible gift Amy has in creating the loveliest of visualizations. I’m also learning more about this plant (Wormwood) and am looking forward to bringing it into my writing practice and using it to support my health. The final piece in this lovely session was getting a follow-up email that detailed all we had discussed. I can’t say enough good things about how lovely the time with her was. <3

- K.C. in Kentucky

My sessions are all particularly tailored to your particular creative and physical needs and may include meditation, writing, EFT tapping and breathing exercises. Make an appointment here to set up a free exploration with me:

Book a call

The next New Moon in Aries is the first New Moon of this solar cycle, so get ready for it. Empty out those ash buckets!

Lots of Green Love,


P. S. If you liked my flower channeled poem here, you might like to join my Patreon! I just offered Seven Spring Poems to my Earthlings tier and above.