Image by Zoltan Tasi
Taurus can be centering and grounding, but our need for comfort can make us feel anxious in such times as these.
I’ve been feeling dizzy sometimes when I rise, as if the material world we are in cannot stay, and cannot bear me away. How can I find my balance in between? Can the Earth still hold us?
We are still moving around the Sun, we are moving into the dark part of the year. We are waltzing gently towards whatever new world we are creating with our cumulative decisions.
As a teacher, I am more a part of society than I have ever been. I miss my free time and my ivory tower, but that no longer feels possible, as if my learning now means I must be more a part of this world. No more studying old manuscripts (I got my PhD in Switzerland studying one in 2016) or writing poems to the Moon. The kids need me. Or so part of me feels.
The World needs me, I hear on the wind. I do miss the time I used to have, but then, I wasn’t really conscious of it when I had it.
The old ones are dying, the trees once told me, pre-pandemic, and now this takes on new meaning. The trees were not only talking about the trees. What are we building to take the place of all that is dying? I ask myself.
The Moon early this morning was full in Taurus, where it was eclipsed by the Sun.
This Full Moon was a blood moon, did you see it slowly turn to red?
Here I was sleeping warm in my bed, and the sky was cloudy I think.
I didn’t rise to greet the Full Moon in red bloom. But I felt it there in the sky.
Today I’ve been working remotely and reading about eclipses and the change they bring, wondering, now that the Moon is in Gemini, at how the change came swiftly yesterday. I was in one of the high schools I teach at and I was ready to finish out the days before Thanksgiving break, when we got an urgent email followed by an announcement that we’d be closed for the next few days.
The COVID cases are as high as they have ever been in my small corner of Vermont and the elementary schools especially can’t cope with all the absences and the lack of staff. So here it is a Friday and I don’t have to teach at all next week. My students have been warned they may go remote, and as much as I am glad for this break, I realize, I will miss them.
Life is funny that way, isn’t it? The way you can be so fixated on what isn’t going right with your current situation, but then it changes and you miss the way it was. Well, I don’t think I will really miss the teaching full time so much next week. I am exhausted, and as I said above, unsure of even how to feel my feet, but I hope all the kids I won’t see will be okay.
End of Scorpio - the Sun moves to Libra soon, and I’ll be glad to move to balance from darkness. My darkness shows up as a holding near of what I am afraid to lose. I realized today that my jealousy often simply reflects fear from times when my open-hearted giving nature was not treated in kind. Ah. This brings a kind of relief, and if that’s the kind of realization and release this Full Moon brings, I will take it.
I realized recently that my rising sign was not Scorpio. This also softens how I observe my own shadow. I’m a Sagittarius rising now.
This Full Moon and Eclipse was not on my rising sign axis. The aspect wasn’t really touching anything in my chart, but I realize Scorpio is my 12th house, hence my feeling of darkness and endings at this time of year are not surprising, since the 12th house is the last house on the sky’s wheel. My sky is ending. But now, something begins. Something new, out of the darkness. Last weekend I planted garlic.
How was this lunation for you? Are you curious about it? I’d love to talk with you. Drop me a line for an astrological chat or a card reading. I offer a free call to discover plant coaching, tarot and astrology readings. I have a bit more time next week , especially Monday.
Friday night blessings.
May your strong love continue to reveal and heal your shadow.